• Question: Do you have to be bright to be an engineer?

    Asked by niamhc.8 to Conor, Frederik, Ilaria, Jeffrey, Sarah on 3 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Jeffrey Roe

      Jeffrey Roe answered on 3 Mar 2016:

      I don’t think so. There are lots of different ways to get into engineering. I was never a great student in college. I was there for 6 years doing a 4 year course. I have had many a bad exam.

    • Photo: Conor McGinn

      Conor McGinn answered on 3 Mar 2016:

      Yea I think so. But being bright doesn’t necessarily equate to being good at subjects in school. Engineers have to design things – so you need to be practical and creative. Things engineers build must fulfill a function – usually this requires you to predict before you make something how it will perform. Therefore you need to be a good problem solver and have a good understanding about how physical systems behave. So being good at and knowing how to use physics and maths is important. If you program code, you need to know to be able to concentrate for long periods of time. I know many people that have these skills, and are bright in my opinion, but didn’t do fantastic in school.

    • Photo: Ilaria Cinelli

      Ilaria Cinelli answered on 6 Mar 2016:

      Well….You should like making things and understanding how thing are working. However, I decide to be an engineer in my late secondary school; before I thought I could be a great singer but my voice is not appropriate for any type of songs (with the exception of happy birthday song!!) 🙂

    • Photo: Sarah Doran

      Sarah Doran answered on 6 Mar 2016:

      Hey Niamh,
      I think you can do anything if you really set your mind to it. There will always be subjects in school & college you find more difficult than others and you need to work harder to pass them.

    • Photo: Frederik Gossen

      Frederik Gossen answered on 9 Mar 2016:

      You don’t have to be the brightest person but you should also not be scared of math. As long as you’re interested in math and/ or software you’re fine 😉
