• Question: Do you think you will be an inspiration to children?

    Asked by Detective Curious to Conor, Frederik, Ilaria, Jeffrey, Sarah on 1 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Frederik Gossen

      Frederik Gossen answered on 1 Mar 2016:

      I hope to inspire as many children and students as possible to become engineers.

    • Photo: Sarah Doran

      Sarah Doran answered on 1 Mar 2016:

      I hope so! I have also thought kids from age 8 how to code their own games and websites and they really enjoy it (or they wouldn’t come back to Coderdojo right?)

    • Photo: Conor McGinn

      Conor McGinn answered on 2 Mar 2016:

      Hi Detective,
      Really interesting question. I might someday, but for that to happen I would need to be a lot more famous and successful.

    • Photo: Ilaria Cinelli

      Ilaria Cinelli answered on 2 Mar 2016:

      According to my students at Youth Academy, yes! I just want to inspire student to learn and being curious about science and this Planet, I dont really want them to follow my steps because they might have different skills.

    • Photo: Jeffrey Roe

      Jeffrey Roe answered on 2 Mar 2016:

      I hope I am right now. I do a lot of kids events at the moment. I hope they feel inspired after my workshops to continuing making. I am doing a bridge building event this Saturday. This will be my 4th year running it. Last year, I had a family come up to me to say after attending the year before they have become outright makers, getting into things like arduinos & raspberry pis.
