• Question: Hello! I am from Bulgaria and i want to understand more for History and Geography, but I can't understand and i can't remember what the teacher talking about in school!Help?

    Asked by Danaya to Conor, Frederik, Ilaria, Jeffrey, Sarah on 27 Feb 2016.
    • Photo: Sarah Doran

      Sarah Doran answered on 27 Feb 2016:

      I don’t know much about History and Geography but when I had subjects I found more difficult I spent a lot more time studying them. It might help if you read the next chapter of your History/Geography book before your teacher talks about it in class. Getting a head start reading yourself you might find it easier to understand the teacher. Also when I have trouble understanding something I “Google” it!! Maybe you can find some good videos or webpages online that will help by explaining the subject in a different way.

    • Photo: Jeffrey Roe

      Jeffrey Roe answered on 27 Feb 2016:

      I loved History during my time in school. I was never good at remembering the dates but more the story of what happen.
      I used to just read the book over and over again. I never focus on the fine details but the big picture of what happened.
      I never did Geography, all I can remember is my friends drawing oxbow lakes all the time .
      As with most things, if books are not your thing , throw the topic into youtube and watch on video on it.

    • Photo: Frederik Gossen

      Frederik Gossen answered on 28 Feb 2016:

      I don’t know much about Geography and History so I can’t really help with that. Whenever you do not understand something, it is always a good idea to search for it online. The Wikipedia will help you in many cases but be careful with information that you find online. Some of it might be incorrect 🙂

    • Photo: Conor McGinn

      Conor McGinn answered on 29 Feb 2016:

      Hi Danaya,
      That sounds tough. It sounds like you are doing your best which is really all you can do. Maybe you have poor teachers in those subjects?

      Some suggestions – maybe you’ve tried them already:
      * can your parents or brother/sister help?
      * does your teacher know you are having problems? Its their job to help you learn so they should definitely be giving you special attention if you are struggling – especially if you have a good attitude and want to learn which you seem to.
      * can you try to learn it without your teacher? I have learnt alot from reading online resources and by watching videos on youtube.
      * are you a good note taker? If not, you should develop these skills as it will help your memory.
      * have you been tested for a learning disability? Things like dyslexia can really affect how you learn. If you get tested and find our you have something like this dont worry – they are super common. Knowing you have a specific learning disability will help you to understand why you have problems learning and teach you techniques that will help you learn most effectively.

    • Photo: Ilaria Cinelli

      Ilaria Cinelli answered on 29 Feb 2016:

      Everything has an historical reason!!Even science and maths!
      Try to study the other topic form this point of view and you will see it will be easier! Sometimes we dont remember something in which we are not really interested… you should because what you are learning now will give you the base to be a great person in the future!
