• Question: if you were giving advice to a student who wants to become an engineer what piece of advice advice would you give

    Asked by caoimhe100 to Conor, Frederik, Ilaria, Jeffrey, Sarah on 1 Mar 2016. This question was also asked by Orla ☺.
    • Photo: Frederik Gossen

      Frederik Gossen answered on 1 Mar 2016:

      Don’t be afraid of the Math 🙂

    • Photo: Sarah Doran

      Sarah Doran answered on 1 Mar 2016:

      Hey Caoimbhe,
      I would recommend picking courses that include work placement. Mine had 6 months work placement. Motorola hired me straight after college as a graduate because I did work placement there for 6 months. You can’t beat learning on the job!

    • Photo: Conor McGinn

      Conor McGinn answered on 2 Mar 2016:

      three pieces:
      1) work hard and get comfortable with failure – things in engineering worth doing don’t come easy and you will fail a lot. Use failure as a tool for getting better.
      2) focus on understanding – getting things correct in exams doesn’t mean you understand it. really try hard to understand everything you can about the topic you study
      3) try not to care what others think and don’t let people tell you that you cant do something or that it isn’t possible – all the greatest discoveries/inventions would not have happened if the people responsible listened to the critics

    • Photo: Jeffrey Roe

      Jeffrey Roe answered on 2 Mar 2016:

      Make friends day one in college. It crazy how much easier your course will be if you have a group of friends doing it with you. You will all help each other out when it comes to projects and studying for the exams.
