• Question: What's One Bad Thing About Your Job

    Asked by StAnnes15 to Ilaria, Frederik on 29 Feb 2016.
    • Photo: Frederik Gossen

      Frederik Gossen answered on 29 Feb 2016:

      That is a really good question 😀
      To me the most annoying situation is when something does not work out the way I expect it to. In those cases there are always people to talk to who will give good advice. The best thing about my job is though when something that did not work out for a long time finally works 🙂

      It’s a bit like these puzzle games sometimes. They can be fun or annoying when you try to solve them for a very long time without success. Once you find the solution you fell like the hero of the world 😀 Its a bit like that sometimes except that you get lots of help from colleagues.
